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June 16, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Dan Holmes, Joe Borst, Desiree Galassi, and Kathleen Quinn
ALSO PRESENT: Fred Hurley; Lori Donato and Roseann Imlej from DCS Energy
2 members of the Newtown Housing for the Elderly, Nunnawauk Meadows
ABSENT: Ted Kreinik, Ben Roberts, Barbara Toomey and Sarah Hemingway

Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Dan Holmes.

Communications:  None

Public Comment:  None

Minutes from May 19, 2011:  Acceptance of minutes was tabled until the July meeting since the commission did not have a quorum.

Presentation by DCS Energy:  Ms. Donato presented on behalf of DCS Energy.  She said that DCS Energy is a solar program for not for profits.  They have projects in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maine, South Carolina and Florida.  Between August 2010 and November 30, 2010 they received 80 signed contracts.  Ms. Donato reported that any roof in good condition, with at least 10 years left would qualify.  She said you get electricity from the first day of installation.  The solar panels come with a 5 year lease and at the end of the lease Newtown can either own the system or have it taken out.  Ms. Donato added that DCS Energy does ground mounts in addition to roof mounts.  It is suggested that a fence be installed around any ground mount system.  Ms. Donato said that each solar panel is about $1000.  It takes up to 6 months to install the system after a contract is signed.  DCS Energy will come out and do a site inspection to ensure that sites will work with the system.  When the site visit occurs someone that has access to the utility rooms in Newtown must be present.  Ms. Donato suggested putting as many buildings on the site visit as you think Newtown may want for the program.  It is easier to take buildings off than to add them at a later date.  After the site visit DCS Energy will tell Newtown how many systems Newtown needs then the contracts will be sent out.  Ms. Imlej said she will email Mr. Hurley a sample contract.  
Ms. Galassi asked Ms. Donato if there is a higher fee for residential systems.  Ms. Donato replied that there is a higher fee for residential.  She added that the minimum system for residential structures is 4.5 kW, which costs about $5000.  Ms. Donato said it is basically the same procedure as it is for a not for profit assessment.  DCS Energy uses a satellite view to make sure the site will work for the solar program.  The roof needs a minimum of 500 sq. ft. with no shade at all.  For the ground unit there should be no trees overhead shading the unit.  The solar panels must face southeast.  Ms. Donato said that DCS Energy uses all USA made material and local labor.  Ms. Donato added that the solar program comes with a warranty.  DCS Energy will take care of service, parts and labor for 5 years.  
Mr. Holmes asked if the requirement for residential roofs is the same as a not for profit building.  Ms. Donato replied yes, it needs to have at least 10 years left as well.  She said to have to take it down and replace the system on a new roof cost about $5000.  Ms. Quinn and Mr. Hurley will be the point people on this project.
Ms. Donato went over the timeline for the program.  She said that first a confirmation letter needs to be signed.  After that is signed DCS Energy will come out to Newtown in mid-July.  She said it takes about 60 days to get the contract funded.  
Mr. Holmes said he left many buildings in Newtown off the site list due to the age of the roofs.  Mr. Hurley added that many buildings are also in shade.
The Sustainable Energy Commission thanked Ms. Donato and Ms. Imlej for coming to the meeting.
Mr. Holmes asked the group if they felt there were any drawbacks to the DCS Energy program.  Mr. Hurley said the group should consider if the payback makes sense.  The solar program can’t provide 100% of the power.
Old Business:
  • Middle School Roof Update/Reed School: Ms. Galassi said that there is some concern that if the building is used for something other than a school Newtown would have to pay back the money.  Mr. Hurley added that the Board of Finance passed the Middle School roof, with objections because of concerns about the payback.  He added that roof costs have gone up which is adding to concerns.  Mr. Hurley feels the group should still go forward with the application for Reed School.  Mr. Holmes said that they will need updated information before they can go forward with the application.  Mr. Hurley said that they should target August as the month to discuss the application with the Board of Finance; June/July would be too soon.  Mr. Hurley added that the application doesn’t close out until November so there is still time.  Mr. Hurley said his department will work on getting the Sustainable Energy Commission an update for their July meeting.  He added that he is working with Opel and they will do a site visit and analysis for them.
  • Total Sign-Ups:  Ms. Quinn reported that she has no new information.  Mr. Holmes asked her if she was still getting sign-ups in the mail.  She replied that she is not.
  • Mr. Hurley Update:  Ms. Galassi asked Mr. Hurley if she could have the document explaining the new single stream recycling program for Newtown.  She would like to put it up on the Sustainable Energy Commission’s website.  Mr. Hurley will get her that document.  He added that one side explains the single stream recycling and the other side is about ewaste.
Mr. Hurley said that the final Opel contract is done and they will be starting work at the Waste Water Treatment facility in July.  It won’t be fully operational until the fall.
  • Community Innovations Grant - $4,000/Webinar: Mr. Holmes spoke to Arlene about this and Mr. Borst will be involved as well.
  • Transition Town Initiative/Energy Action Plan:  Mr. Hurley spoke to Ms. Mangold of the Parks and Recreation department about connecting the Community Garden with the concept of Transition Town.  Ms. Quinn added that Ms. Toomey will be speaking about Transition Town at Mr. Roberts’s upcoming weDialogue meeting.
New Business:  Ms. Galassi asked the group if there was an attendance requirement for members of the Sustainable Energy Commission.  Ms. Holmes said he believes there is a requirement.  He said he will talk to Ms. Marcineck about this.  The group also discussed changing the commission for a 9 member group to a 7 member group.  Mr. Holmes said he would find out how the group was created.  If it was created by an ordinance than the legislative council would have to amend the criteria.

~~Next Meeting Date:
  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, Thursday, June 21 , 2011 @ 7:30 PM
Ms. Quinn made a motion to adjourn and Ms. Galassi seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:17pm.
Respectfully Submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.